Current Light Flashes

Keep An Eye on Your Mailbox This Month

West Florida Electric trustee election packets will hit mail boxes later this month. Election packets are to be mailed on March 30. The ballots will be in a large white envelope marked “2006 Annual Election Materials” from West Florida Electric. This packet will contain everything needed to participate in this year’s board of trustee elections. Co-op members will choose trustees to serve on the board from Districts 7, 8, and 9.

Three trustees are elected by member-owners to serve on WFEC’s board each year. Trustees are chosen from three of the nine districts in the cooperative’s service area which includes Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington Counties. Each trustee must be a Co-op member-owner, residing in the respective district and meet certain other requirements set forth in WFEC’s bylaws. Desired qualifications include the ability to become bonded, capability of receiving and sending electronic mail and facsimile transmissions, and successfully meeting all requirements to become a National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Credentialed Cooperative Director within 36 months.

Inside the election packet, you will discover:
• A letter from McDaniel & Associates, the certified public accounting firm that will receive and count all completed ballots and announce the results to ensure fairness.
• A nominating committee report listing qualifying trustee candidates.
• Profiles of the board candidates
• An official ballot
• A prize registration card
• A booklet containing the following: official notice of WFEC’s Member Appreciation Day/Annual Meeting, a map showing the meeting’s location, and the minutes of WFEC’s 2005 Annual Meeting
• A pre-addressed reply envelope

Voting by mail in WFEC’s board elections is simple. Just follow these easy steps:
1) Review the materials contained in your voting packet
2) Choose a candidate in each of the districts in which there are more than one qualified candidate and mark your selections clearly using a black pen or No. 2 pencil.
3) Fill out the prize registration card, if you like. McDaniel & Associates will separate this card from your ballot immediately upon its arrival, so your registration card cannot be usedto identify your ballot. This card will be used to enter you in a drawing for a 4 kW portable generator to be given away at WFEC’s Member Appreciation Day/ Annual Meeting Saturday, April 29, at the Graceville Civic Center.
4) Place your completed ballot and prize registration card in the postage-paid return envelope pre-addressed to McDaniel & Associates and mail it in time to be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 19. Ballots received after this deadline will be declared invalid. Do not deliver your ballot to any WFEC office. Do not include any other materials besides your completed ballot and prize registration card in the return envelope.
5) Attend WFEC’s Member Appreciation Day/Annual Meeting, if possible, to hear the announcement of the election results. Also look for them in the May issue of Current Light Flashes, WFEC’s monthly member newsletter.

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