Current Light Flashes

2006 End-Use Survey

West Florida Electric Cooperative wants to get to know our members a little better because we care about meeting your needs now and in the future.

To help us effectively accomplish these goals, in April, we’ll mail 1,500 residential end-use surveys to co-op members whose addresses were randomly selected from a scientific sample of members’ addresses. We’ll collect the data in April, May and June.

The returned surveys will be combined with those from other cooperatives to help WFEC better understand how our members use electricity in their home. This data is important as we develop programs and services to meet our consumers’ current and future energy needs.

In the survey, we’ll ask questions to help us better pinpoint our members’ current electricity usage and help predict future usage. The more closely we can predict future energy use, the better we can plan for future power system additions. By comparing the responses from surveys over time, we can identify electrical usage trends as they develop.

Survey questions will glean information such as the size of your home, the number of occupants, fuel preferences, number of appliances, types of water heaters, and your heating and cooling habits. We’ll also ask for demographic information about you, such as age and occupation.

Rest assured, all information we gather will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside WFEC and its energy provider, Alabama Electric Cooperative. However, if you do not wish to answer a particular question, please skip over it. We do not want any information you feel uncomfortable providing. We appreciate your cooperation in the 2006 residential end-use survey. At WFEC, our goal is not just to provide electricity, but to also serve our members in the most reliable, efficient and economical means possible. This is just one example of how we strive to stay ahead of the curve and plan for the future.

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