Current Light Flashes

Courses prepare WFEC trustees for industry challenges

WFEC Board President John E. Worthington, shown at right, presents District 7 Trustee Randy Bush with a Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

They might not have given reading, writing and ‘rithmatic much thought in a while, but West Florida Electric Cooperative’s trustees are still getting an education. Besides learning from their experience while serving on WFEC’s board, most have taken courses specifically for electric co-op directors.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association offers a series of classes providing directors an opportunity to develop expertise that will equip them to lead their co-ops in a competitive environment. Trustees who successfully complete a five-course curriculum and pass the accompanying tests earn an NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director, or CCD, Certificate.

Currently, seven of nine WFEC trustees have received or are working toward a CCD certification. Among the approximately 1,000 NRECA-member co-ops in 44 states nationwide, 2,675 directors are CCD certified, an average of 2.7 per co-op. Among Florida’s 18 electric co-ops, sixty-three directors are CCD certified, and another 82 are in the certification process, averaging eight certified or nearly-certified directors per co-op. The number of directors on the board varies from co-op to co-op.

The CCD course topics include Director Duties and Liabilities, Understanding the Electric Business, Board Roles and Relationships, Strategic and Business Planning and Understanding Financial Planning. A trustee who has received CCD certification can then go on to acquire a Board Leadership certificate.

While the CCD courses are a core curriculum for directors, Board Leadership courses are more challenging workshops for experienced directors. Building upon concepts presented in the CCD courses, the Board Leadership classes are designed to keep directors abreast of current issues and topics impacting director’s in a changing environment. WFEC District 7 Trustee Randy Bush recently soared through all five CCD courses in six days during NRECA’s summer school for co-op directors, and has already completed his first Board Leadership course.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, or NRECA, is the national service organization dedicated to representing the interests of consumer-owned cooperative electric utilities and the consumers they serve.

Photo: WFEC Board President John E. Worthington, shown at right, presents District 7 Trustee Randy Bush with a Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

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