Current Light Flashes

Pay the easy way

Paying bills can be about as pleasant as having a root canal. That’s why West Florida Electric Cooperative offers the following convenient options to make paying your WFEC bill as painless as possible:

Collection points – Pay your WFEC bill on or before the due date at Regions Bank in Blountstown, Chipley and both Marianna locations; C & L Bank in Blountstown and Altha; or The Bank in Marianna, Greenwood and Malone – even if you aren’t a bank customer.

Bank draft – Your payment can be automatically transferred from your bank to WFEC on a specified date. The funds will be transferred in the same way the federal government can automatically deposit a Social Security check into a recipient’s bank account. When you enroll in WFEC’s bank draft plan, you’ll need to provide a deposit slip for the bank account from which funds will be transferred.

Levelized billing – The amount of your electric bill can be the same month after month, even throughout peak cooling and heating periods. After one year of service, WFEC can base your monthly charges on an average of your previous 12 months’ actual energy use for your home, plus the fee for any additional item, such as a security light. Levelized billing combined with bank draft payment is an excellent option for frequent travelers or seasonal residents.

Credit card payments – WFEC accepts all the major cards, so you can pay over the telephone or the Internet.

Online payment – Log on to WFEC’s Web site at

Double notification – At your request, WFEC will notify a third party, such as a landlord or caregiver, when an account is delinquent.

Additionally, WFEC is preparing to offer pre-paid metering in the near future. Members will be able to purchase a certain number of kilowatt-hours of electricity in advance, then swipe a magstrip card through a display on a specially-designed meter. When the household’s energy usage approaches the prepaid amount, audible alarm on the meter will signal that it’s time to purchase additional electricity.Prepaid metering allows customers a flexible payment schedule and offers an alternative to higher deposits for customers having a poor payment history. The meter’s display also lets customers actually see how much electricity they’re using at any moment.

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