CEO'S Corner - A message from WFEC Executive Vice President and CEO Bill Rimes

Over 500 residents of Graceville, Fla., and the surrounding communities held a candlelight vigil Sunday, Sept. 16, for the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist hijackings and attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Among the community leaders called on to speak at the event, West Florida Electric Cooperative Executive Vice President and CEO Bill Rimes, a retired Air Force colonel, shared the following thoughts and prayers:
"Within the last few weeks, the U. S. has suffered the most terrible and devastating attack in our nation’s history. These unspeakable acts of brutality strike at the very heart of our free society.
But the perpetrators who sought to tear us apart have not succeeded. Instead, like the attack on Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941, the acts committed Sept. 11, 2001 have brought us together. In the aftermath of this dark day that henceforth is part of our lives and our history, we have again shown the world that the spirit and resolve of this nation will not be defeated. Others began this conflict on their terms, but, according to our president, ‘It will end in a way of our choosing.’
Grief, anger and hatred last only for a time, but goodness, remembrance and love have no end. On behalf of West Florida Electric Cooperative’s employees and board of trustees, I offer our deepest sympathies to the families who lost loved ones in these tragic events.
We honor the firefighters, police officers, rescue workers and others who have risked, even lost, their lives in their efforts to help their fellow man amidst the disaster. We salute our local law enforcement, firefighters and emergency personnel, as well, because we see the same heroism in them. May we never take them for granted.
We also express heartfelt gratitude to our military personnel and veterans for the sacrifices they’ve made to defend the freedom we hold so dear. They preserve the principles on which our nation was founded and in which our strength lies today.
We ask Almighty God to watch over our community, our cooperative and its members, our state and our nation and to grant us patience, resolve and comfort in all that is to come. May He guide our country and its leaders. God bless America!"
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