Current Light Flashes

Some safety procedures

If involved in a vehicle-pole collision:

Consider any downed power lines "live," whether or not they are sparking or arcing. Never touch them or any object in contact with them.

Don’t try to step out of a car that is in contact with a power line, because parts of your body could touch "live" metal on the car as your foot touches the earth, creating a path for electricity to run through your body to the earth. Stay in the car if at all possible.

Call 9-1-1 and WFEC at (850)263-3231 or (800)342-7400. If you’re in a vehicle and don’t have a phone, look for materials in the car to make a sign telling passers-by to call for you.

If, because of extra danger, you absolutely must leave a vehicle that is touching a power line, jump completely clear. Keeping both feet together, try to jump as far away as possible from the vehicle. Then shuffle away instead of walking, because dangerous voltages may form between your spread feet.

Avoid and escape electrical fires:

Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and make sure their batteries are charged.

Don’t overload electrical circuits. If you notice flickering lights, blown fuses or sparks, have a qualified electrician check the wiring. Never use a penny to fix a blown fuse.

Check electrical cords for frays and cracks. Unplug appliances by gripping the area next to the outlet, instead of yanking on the cord.

Don’t tuck in your electric blanket or cover it with other blankets.

Don’t cover electrical cords with carpeting or rugs.

Create a home escape plan. Practice it.

In case of fire, leave your home immediately. Don’t try to save anything. Call the fire department from a neighbor’s house.

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