Local firm will cut WFEC's cost for usage readings
West Florida Electric Cooperative is getting ready to stop reading your meter. But, before you get excited, that doesn't mean WFEC is going to quit sending you a bill. Rather, WFEC has contracted with a company that will provide professional meter reading services more cost-effectively than the Co-op can do the job in-house.
After reviewing proposals from about a dozen firms, WFEC has chosen a well-staffed, thoroughly-equipped, reputable local company to take on the task. Sun State Controls, or SSC, based in Washington County on Hwy. 77 between Wausau and Sunny Hills, offers a host of electrical, mechanical, plumbing and general contracting services. Evolved from a small family-run business to a multi-million-dollar corporation over eight years of operation, SSC has performed work in 40 states and five foreign countries and has twice been named Contractor of the Year by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
The company's workforce, which fluctuates from a year-round personnel base of 35 to a seasonal peak of nearly 100 employees, includes apprentice and journeyman linemen and electricians and other highly-skilled professionals. All SSC employees assigned to read WFEC's meters must undergo background and driving record checks.
WFEC's transition from in-house to contract meter reading will include two phases. In July, SSC employees will ride with WFEC's meter readers to become familiar with the routes and equipment and the procedures for delivering readings to WFEC's billing department. In addition to meter reading, the contractors will be responsible for visually checking the condition of poles, drops and guys, spotting broken or damaged yard and street lighting and looking for signs of meter damage, malfunction or tampering.
In August, during the second phase of the transition, WFEC employees will ride with SSC's meter readers as they become accustomed to the ITRON equipment used for reading the Co-op's meters. Besides on-the-job training with the equipment on weekdays, SSC's personnel will train on Saturdays before the final turnover.
After the transition, any contractor reading meters for WFEC will be driving a white GMC Sonoma pickup clearly marked with the blue Sun State Controls emblem on the side. The contractor also should be able to furnish identification upon request.
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