Current Light Flashes

Tech Talk

Demand high for WildBlue satellite broadband

As West Florida Electric Cooperative readies to offer WildBlue, the next generation of broadband Internet service via two-way satellite, hundreds of area residents already have signed up for the service. Initially, only a limited number of WildBlue systems will be available through WFEC, so the Co-op urges those who want WildBlue to add their names to the WFEC WildBlue sign-up list online at

When WildBlue Internet service becomes available through WFEC this month, subscribers can choose from three download speed levels to meet their needs. The Value Pack, at $49.95 per month, will feature download speeds up to 512 kbps; the Select Pack, at $69.95 per month, will feature up to 1 mbps downloads; and the Pro Pack, at $79.95 per month, will feature up to 1.5 mbps downloads. All will include 256 kbps upload speeds, five email addresses, Web space, virus protection and a WFECA.NET back-up dial-up account. The one-time fee for the equipment and installation will be $299 plus tax.

A WFEC customer representative will contact those on the WildBlue sign-up list to answer any questions about the service and provide information about the enrollment and installation processes. Once a subscriber has completed the necessary forms and paid the installation and equipment fee, WFEC will schedule an installation appointment.

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