The unveiling of an historical marker to be erected at West Florida Electric Cooperative’s headquarters in Graceville, Fla., highlighted the Co-op’s 67th Annual Meeting/Member Appreciation Day Sat., April 3. The marker, issued by the Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources and bearing the heading "When the Lights Came On," commemorates WFEC’s formation, after the signing of the federal Rural Electrification Act, in 1937 by 712 residents of Graceville and the surrounding area. "While other utilities have their branches, we have our roots," said WFEC Executive Vice President and CEO Bill Rimes.
Audience members participated in a quiz segment about WFEC’s earlier years for an opportunity to win prizes prior to the marker presentation. After the unveiling, U. S. Congressman Allen Boyd made his third appearance as the annual event’s guest speaker. Music by the Bryan Brothers gospel quartet, of Bascom, Fla., complimentary barbeque sandwiches, children’s activities, demonstrations and displays, door prizes and prize drawings rounded out the festivities at the Baptist College of Florida campus in Graceville. Frank Muhr, of Graceville won the grand prize, a 3kw Gillette portable generator valued at over $900.
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