Current Light Flashes

Mark it and mail it

It’s almost time for West Florida Electric Cooperative’s member-owners to elect board representatives for Districts 7, 8 and 9. Each year, WFEC’s members elect trustees in three of the nine districts of the Co-op’s service area in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington Counties. Each trustee serving on WFEC’s board is a Co-op member-owner elected by fellow member-owners – a fundamental difference between consumer-owned electric cooperatives and investor-owned utilities.

Look for a WFEC voting packet in your mailbox soon after March 27. In the packet, you’ll find:

A letter from McDaniel and Associates, the certified public accounting firm that will oversee the elections

A nominating committee report

Profiles of the board candidates

An official ballot

A prize registration card

Official notice of WFEC’s Member Appreciation Day/Annual Meeting and a map showing the meeting’s location

The minutes of WFEC’s 2002 Annual Meeting

A pre-addressed reply envelope

Voting by mail in WFEC’s board elections is easy. Simply follow these steps:

1. Review the material in your voting packet.

2. Choose a candidate in each of the two districts in which there are multiple qualifiers, as listed on the ballot, and mark your selections clearly using a black pen or a No. 2 pencil.

3. Fill out the prize registration card, if you like. McDaniel and Associates will separate this card from your ballot immediately upon its arrival, so your registration card cannot be used to identify your ballot. However, this card will be used to enter you in a drawing for a truck to be given away at WFEC’s Member Appreciation Day/Annual Meeting Saturday, April 26.

4. Place your completed ballot and prize registration card in the postage-paid return envelope pre-addressed to McDaniel and Associates and mail it in time to be received no later than 5 p. m. Wednesday, April 16. Ballots received after the deadline will be declared invalid. Do not deliver your ballot to any WFEC office.

4. Stay tuned for the election results, to be announced at WFEC’s Member Appreciation Day/Annual Meeting. These results also will be published in the May issue of Current Light Flashes, WFEC’s monthly member newsletter.

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