Current Light Flashes

WFEC offers top-of-the-line protection devices

With the arrival of hurricane season, you are likely to see additional rain, high winds and thunderstorms. But, when these weather conditions arise unexpectedly, you can take comfort in knowing that your appliances, electronics and well pump are continually protected with top-quality, affordable surge suppression devices from West Florida Electric Cooperative.

WFEC’s protection products will guard your possessions from harmful, unforeseen power surges. Power surges are electrical transients or spikes on the AC power or communication lines, including those caused by direct or indirect lightning strikes. Industrial and automobile accidents with utility poles, even compressors within your home, can create them, as well.

If you have any of the following trouble signs in your home, you might need surge protection:

Fuses blowing; circuit breakers/GFCIs tripping often

Dimming/flickering lights when refrigerator motors or other appliances start to operate

Fuzzy or fluttering TV picture when other appliances start to operate

Frequent noise or crackling on the phone line

Previous lightning damage

WFEC provides three main types of surge suppressors, including meter-base surge suppressors, residential well pump protectors and Homeguard in-house surge kits.

Meter-base surge suppressors

Meter-base surge suppressors are installed directly to your meter to prevent surges from entering. These protectors include a lifetime warranty for connected equipment, such as washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, HVAC units, dishwasher and garbage disposals. These products carry a 15-year product replacement warranty, as well.

Residential well pump protectors
Residential well pump protectors are single-phase surge protection devices that provide the maximum line protection against damaging surges for residential well pumps. All the units are built with multi-stage protection and with series thermal fusing to ensure safe operation. The warranty ensures that the surge protection device will be repaired or replaced should the device exhibit defects in material or workmanship within a period of ten years from the date of purchase. Connected equipment is protected up to $10,000 against damage due to an electrical surge.

Homeguard In-House Surge Kits

Homeguard in-house surge kits include a single-outlet plug, a single-outlet and phone line plug, a three-outlet device and an eight-outlet plugstrip; all protect household items, including electronics, cordless phones, computers and garage door openers. These devices include a warranty covering connected equipment, plus a lifetime warranty for replacement of the protection devices.

With WFEC’s line of surge protection devices, you can keep your belongings safe and adequately protected from power surges. Before the next lighting strike or harmful surge destroys expensive electronics or appliances in your home, call or visit WFEC to find out more about the different stages of protection available.

Article contributed by Communication Intern Millie Kindig

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