News From Opportunity Florida
Opportunity Florida, an eight-county economic development organization needs your help! An issue of vital importance is the accessibility of broadband (high speed) or wireless access to the Internet. Opportunity Florida is working to make sure that anyone in the region is able to receive it at a reasonable cost. As part of this program, they hope to make it possible for schools, hospitals and other public entities to receive the access free of charge.
The organization is currently conducting a survey online at for citizens in the eight-county area it serves. WFEC’s four-county service area of Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington counties are also within Opportunity Florida’s eight-county district.
The survey is easy to locate on the site, and takes less than five minutes to complete. The questions on the survey are not technical or difficult to answer. Here are some examples:1196501
1) Do you have Internet access at home?
2) How many computers do you own?
3) What type of connection do you currently have?
4) How many hours do you spend online per week?
5) What do you use the Internet for?
Please visit and participate in this important survey.
2nd Annual
Opportunity Florida Forum will be held on Jan. 11 in Bristol.
Everyone is invited to attend. Call the
Opportunity Florida Office at
(877) 467-7352 for more information.
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