Neighbor Helping Neighbor
As a result of Hurricane Wilma, West Florida Electric sent six of
its line personnel and five support vehicles to Florida Keys Electric Cooperative headquartered in Tavernier, FL on Monday, October 24 to assist in power restoration efforts. The cooperatives’ line distribution system sustained severe damage associated with the effects of this storm.
The majority of the worker’s time was spent replacing and erecting poles, lines, transformers and other equipment in and near Tavernier, FL. The local personnel assisted the employees of Florida Keys Electric for seven days.
West Florida Electric is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative that serves over 25,000 consumers in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington Counties. Touchstone Energy is a national alliance of local, consumer owned electric cooperatives providing high standards of service to consumers, large and small. More than 600 Touchstone Energy cooperatives in 44 states are delivering energy and energy solutions to more than 16 million customers every day. WFEC, as a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, is proud to be associated with this endeavor.
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