Current Light Flashes

Health Hints

Call it quits in 2005

Quitting smoking is very challenging. Luckily, people in our area have support through programs such as Freedom from Smoking, available through the Washington County Health Department. The six- to eight-week program is based on the premise that smoking is a learned habit and focuses on behavior change while educating participants about dealing with nicotine addiction. The program offers a step-by-step plan for quitting, techniques to assist in gaining control over behavior and nicotine patches available on a sliding fee scale.

Your county health department would like to help with your New Year’s resolution to quit smoking. Washington County residents may call Deborah Maqueira at 638-6240. The Holmes County Health Department also offers a smoking cessation program that provides nicotine patches for only $1 each and is very flexible for working participants. If you live in Holmes County and would like to stop smoking, call Jill Braxton at 547-8500. In Jackson County, call 526-2412 to make a smoking cessation appointment. The Calhoun County Health Department offers nicotine patches, as well, in addition to anti-tobacco programs for youths. Call 674-5645 for information.

The Freedom from Smoking program is also available online at

Information provided by the Washington County Health Department

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