Have you ever wondered how the American Cancer Society uses the funds raised through Relay for Life events each year? The following are some of the services and programs, local and nationwide, that Relay dollars help support: Patient Services For cancer patients, the ACS can supply nutritional supplements, wigs, prosthetic devices and bras, housing for out-of-town treatment, pain medication assistance and resource information. Road to Recovery volunteers also provide transportation to local treatment centers. For younger patients, R. O. C. K. (Reaching Out to Cancer Kids) Camp is a summer camp for children age seven to 16 who are undergoing treatment for cancer. Students living with cancer also may qualify to receive a college scholarship from the ACS. Support Programs I Can Cope provides education for patients, their families and their friends. Look Good . . . Feel Better teaches women who are undergoing treatment about makeup, beauty and fashion tips that help improve both appearance and morale. Reach to Recovery is a visitation program for women who have had breast surgery. Support Groups For women only Bosom Buddies meets monthly for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients and breast cancer survivors. For men only Man to Man is a monthly meeting, facilitated by a prostate cancer survivor, for men diagnosed with the disease. For patients, family members and friends Panhandle Lost Chord Club meets monthly for laryngectomy patients and their families. Still Coping is a monthly support group for anyone touched by cancer. Education Programs Triple Touch distributes current information on breast health and stresses the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Purple Teas also teach breast health and the importance of early detection of breast cancer, but are especially for women of color. School health education is a preventative strategy for giving students the skills to make health-enhancing decisions throughout their lives. Tobacco-Free Community Partnership, or S. W. A. T. (Students Working Against Tobacco) is a coalition of business and community partners and students providing anti-tobacco education. For information about local support group meeting times and dates or patient services, call the American Cancer Society at (850)785-9205. For general information about cancer prevention and detection or ACS services, call 1-800-ACS-2345, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit the ACS Web site at www.cancer.org