![]() Click here for information on WFEC's free ads. For SaleHalf-acre lot on Lake Eufaula with 1991 Redmon mobile home, White Oak Creek area, view of lake, $40,000, 263-1990. 220 Kawasaki Bayou four-wheeler, used very little, garage kept, excellent condition, $2,200 OBO, 263-9476. Five-piece bedroom suite, twin bed with frame, white with gold trim, $200; country blue sofa, looks great, $75, 263-7318 after 5 p. m. or leave message. Coffee table; new loveseat; gas heater, 263-5293. Regular and hybrid crepe myrtles, $5 and up, call beforehand, 263-3075. 1994 mobile home, 16' x 80', 2 BR/2 bath, vinyl siding, glamour bath, skylight, many extras, one rented lot, must see, 263-4994. Speed Queen washing machine, heavy duty, new belt recently installed; GE dryer, condition questionable, $75, 2636285. 3 BR/1 bath frame house, to be moved, $1,400, 263-3552. AKC mini Dachshunds, black and silver females, red males and females, 263-0357. 1988 Chevrolet Silverado 4 x 4, new mud grip P285/16 tires, $6,500; 1966 Chevrolet SWB pickup, SB400/300 HP engine, needs paint job, $2,000, 263-6821. Daybed comforter set with bed skirt and shams, cream color, damask with braid trim, like new, paid $250, asking $75, 263-1445. Yamaha TT225 dirt bike, runs well, $595; Xerox fax machine, excellent condition, great for business, $275; 22 auto. AR-7 rifle, $75, 263-7209. W & W two-horse trailer with tack room, excellent condition, $1,200, 263-7985. 1986 S-10 Blazer 4 x 4, runs great, new tires, no title, trade for a good four-wheeler, 263-0568. King size mattress and box springs, three months old; auto. baby swing; white leather rocking chair, excellent condition, 263-5174. Motorized treadmill with tape deck, good condition, $35, 263-4426. New heat pump, 263-0052. Buffalo Scout guidance system, $1,500; large spreader body, $500; six-row Du-All, $500; two Taylor-Way cultivators; 1163 MF six-row corn head; Lincoln portable welder, needs work; for parts - Gehl mower conditioner, $500; IH four-row corn head, $300, 263-3411. Ham radios and equipment, 263-7985. Antique furniture, assorted pictures, collectibles, knick-knacks and coverlets, 352-4935. 1994 Toyota pickup, $4,800; 2001 Quicken disk, $30; recliner, $30, 482-6857. Irrigation system, 6359 JD power unit with Berkley pump, Rainbow traveler 1800' 6" twist lock pipe and trailer, 482-8935. Silver Lake waterfront lot, 80' on water, floating dock, cabin, well, septic, all electric, storage shed, furnished, beautiful dogwoods, 526-3108. 24' travel trailer, priced to sell; yearling heifers, all black, sired by Eddie Davis bull, 535-4970. Argentine Bahia hay, square bales, well fertilized, stored in barn, $2.50 each; adjustable stock loading ramp, good for goats or hogs, $95, 547-9309. 1993 Nissan pickup, 130,000 miles, $3,200; 1996 Saturn SL2, assume monthly payments of $188; 35 HP Johnson outboard, needs repair, $400, 547-0051, leave message. Mullet cast nets, 12', 10', legal size, bag nets, 547-9413, NCC. Reg. quarterhorse colts, six months old; reg. quarterhorse mare, child's horse, 547-2563. Wedding dress with veil; sequined gown, size 7, 547-7343. 1985 Ford E150 van, $1,000, 547-1453. 1999 Kawasaki KLB650 cycle, 7,000 ml, Induro, $3,500, 547-0965. Cutting outfit, never used Victor, not tanks; 1958 Cadillac, 90 percent restored, three owners, parts, manual, 90,000 orig. miles, $17,500 firm, 547-4872. 30" electric countertop range; Jenn-Air trash compactor, very good condition, 547-3293. Shih Tzu puppy, sweet, playful temperament; mobile concessions wagon, 547-4348 or 547-5012. 1991 Redmon doublewide, 3 BR/2 bath, $20,000; 1999 Ford Ranger, five speed, good condition, $9,000, 547-3650. 1985 Oakwood mobile home, 14' x 52', front deck, 12' x 24' back deck, added-on bedroom, storage, must move, $5,000, 547-2074. Reg. yearling filly, granddaughter of Cinemax, sorrel, loves attention, halter broke, shots and wormed, healthy, $800, 547-3716 after 6 p. m. Rainbow cleaner, 547-2993. 1987 Firebird, AT, AC, PS, PB, T-top, excellent condition,547-3744 after 4 p. m. 3.5 wooded acres with modular home, 3 BR/2 bath, large country kitchen, new carpet, $51,000, 548-5333. 25 acres with two houses, joining lake; 160 acres joining lake; refrigerator; stove; heater; treated lumber; filing cabinet; misc. furniture, 548-5415. 1982 AQHA mare, very gentle, good trail horse, $1,000; Chevrolet small block heads, newly rebuilt, $125; engine stand, $30, 569-1034. Dachshunds - AKC black and tan male, one year old; brindle female, eighteen months old, excellent with children, $100 each, 579-2143. 1997 doublewide on four acres with 450' deep well, 100' shallow well, many extras, $60,000, 579-4994. Mini Dachshund puppies, purebred but no papers, parents on premises, ready Feb. 14, $125, 579-1259. Appaloosa stud, ten months old, very gentle, halter broken; 18-month-old stud colt, also halter broken and gentle, 579-1240. Country home, quiet, peaceful, 3 BR/2 bath, with 2 BR apartment, with five to 40 acres; 1999 Chrysler Town & Country LX van, fully equipped, like new, 18K miles, 579-2048. Kenmore refrigerator, 12.9 cu. ft., $40; stove burners in cabinet, $30, 592-6155. Two used power poles, 100 amp and 200 amp; 200 bales top quality Bermuda hay; 100 bales alfalfa hay, 592-4121. 1994 mobile home, Hickory Hill Fleetwood, 3 BR/2 bath, decks, to be moved, $25,000 OBO, 592-6155. b, sleeps eight, self-contianed, good condition, $3,500, 592-6232. 1989 Honda Accord LXI, two -door, auto., tan, runs great, great gas mileage, $2,000 OBO; 3 BR house , Port St. Joe, one block from ocean, central H/A, big fenced yard, 592-2563. 16' boat with 75 HP Johnson and trolling motor, $1,000; NordicTrack, $100; Kenmore dryer, $90, 592-2376. Barrel horse, 11 years old, white, grade, App. gelding, poles and fun events, calm and smooth, $2,500, 593-6634. Cedar lumber, 990', 593-5335. White youth bed with side rail and mattress; highchair in good condition, all for $25, 593-6812. 1987 Lincoln Continental, $1,000; 1989 Ford Escort, $500, 593-6769, 593-6769. Complete Dell computer system with 19" monitor and desk, very nice, one year old, must sell, owned joined military, 593-6118. 1992 Lincoln Towncar, moon roof, good condition, $6,000 OBO, 593-5288 days, 593-6379 nights. 1993 Georgia Boy 32' motor home, Class A, 31,000 miles, all new tires, many extras, $29,000, 594-1266 evenings. China cabinet, $750; cedar clothes cabinet, $300, 594-5133. 1995 mobile home, Fleetwood Broadmore, 16' x 60', on one acre, landscaped, new carpet, home kept in excellent condition, 594-5839. Shelled pecans, $5.50 per pound, 638-9332. 1992 Pontiac Bonneville LS, maroon, one owner, new tires, great shape, air, heat, cruise, stereo, everything works, $3,000 OBO, 638-2212 after 6 p. m. 1992 GMC rear end, $400; four Chevy aluminum rims and tires, five-lug, P-255/70R-15 BF Goodwrench, $350, 638-0310. 1989 Nissan 240 SX, navy blue, looks great, runs great, $3,500, 638-4577. HD66 Kuhn hay mower; Rolant 66 Claas hay baler with net wrap - both ready to go to work, 638-8873. Queen Mahogany bed, paid $1,200, asking $600; Broyhill white chest of drawers and single dresser, $300; mobile home stops, five high, $20, 638-3605. Wooden incubator with three shelves, $150; Kenmore upright freezer, $75; trailer-size refrigerator, $75; queen-size sofa sleeper, $75, 638-9720. 1986 Chevrolet Silverado pickup, $5,000; Shopsmith with accessories, $1,200, 638-4389. 1995 Pontiac Trans Am, white/red leather interior, 61K miles, great shape, $9,400, 638-3613. Motor home, good condition, runs well, $4,000, 638-2170. Yamaha electric grand piano, excellent condition, $200, 638-1093 after 5 p. m. weekdays or anytime weekends. 2000 Ford F250 Super Duty XLT crewcab, 7.3 liter diesel V8, white with gold pinstripe, fully loaded, CD, cassette, running boards, tow package, sliding rear window, 4,800 miles, $31,000, 638-4706. Used Intertherm central heat/air, split system for mobile home, excellent condition, includes everything for installation, $750, 674-8385. AKC Shih Tzus; Poodles; CKC miniature Schnauzers, $250, 762-8570. 14' x 70' mobile home with porches, five acres, barn and pasture, 12 miles from DeFuniak Springs, must see, 836-4006. Aluminum diamond plate fuel tank, 100 gal., electric pump, like new, fits full size pickup, $700, 956-2127 after 6 p. m. 1978 Chevy 4 x 4 pickup, auto., 350 engine, trans. needs work, $500, 956-4589. 1999 Dodge 4 x 4 heavy duty dual ton truck, auto. diesel, heavy duty tool bed, 56,000 miles, air, AM/FM stereo, 100-mile ext. warranty, $21,500, 956-2948 after 7 p. m. 1983 Chevy Silverado, 6.2 liter diesel, LWB, AT, pretty good condition, $2,500 OBO, 956-4434 after 4:30 p. m. 1997 Oakwood mobile home, 2 BR/2 bath, shingle roof, vinyl siding, good condition, asking payoff, price negotiable, 956-4681. 1991 4900 Int. truck, rebuilt engine, new clutch, five-speed trans., great farm truck and hot shot truck, 206" WB, AC, PS, $12,500, 956-2249. 24-acre certified tree farm, Gritney, seven miles north of Caryville, high and dry, 2 BR/1 bath house, two-car garage, new 40 gal. water heater, new septic system, new garage door, many extras, $67,500, (850)784-4492. 1997 Ford Probe GT, five speed, V6, sports package, AC, heat, Clarion CD with remote, tint, alloy rims, Z-rates tires, very sporty, 89K miles, $8,500 OBO, (850)209-8794. 3 BR/2 bath doublewide with five acres, assume mortgage payments of $515.93 with $5,000 down (negotiable), excellent condition, (850)415-6195. Secluded brick home in Esto, 2 BR/2 bath with Jacuzzi, 16.5 park-like acres, additional 2.5 acres available, fish pond, owner relocated, $99,990 or make offer, (941)348-3718.
FreePuppies, born 12/20/00, medium-size dogs, five males, two females, 638-7714. Rottweiler/Lab puppies, four months old, 579-4994. Mixed breed female dog, to loving home, medium size, black and white, affectionate but shy, sweet girl, 263-3572.
WantedUsed small pontoon boat with or without motor, from 16' to 20' long, 547-9557. Old-fashioned wood cook stove, 592-2680. Young pot-bellied pig, single or pair, 547-2077. "Silver Pine" china pattern by Kent, popular in early 1960s, 263-6991. Two garage doors, 638-1093 after 5 p. m. weekdays or anytime weekends.
LostGolden Retriever in Orange Hill area near Chipley, male, dark red, long body, two years old, reward, no questions asked, 638-4099. Chocolate Lab, lost Jan. 25, 2001, two miles north of Prosperity, might be wearing an electronic collar, $300 reward, 956-2066.
ThanksThe family of Wallace E. Hobbs would like to thank you for the prayers, flowers, calls and visits during our loss. Nikki, Jerome, Shon, Jonathan and Monica Hobbs