Tech Talk
The sky's the limit with WildBlue
After the recent launch of the WildBlue Anik F2 satellite, West Florida Electric Cooperative is preparing to launch local installation, service and support for WildBlue broadband Internet access. WildBlue will be available throughout the counties WFEC serves -- Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington -- even in areas without access to cable modem and digital subscriber line (DSL) services.
WildBlue provides access to the Internet at much higher speeds than dial-up service – up to 1.5 Mbps (megabytes per second), which is more than 30 times faster than dial-up. The speed of broadband service opens a whole new world of rich content largely unavailable with dial-up service, and broadband via satellite offers an "always on" connection, so accessing the Internet doesn’t involve dial-ups, busy signals, disconnects or other delays. Your phone line stays free – You can talk and surf at the same time, without the added cost of installing a second line.
To use WildBlue service, all the specialized equipment you’ll need is a WildBlue mini-dish and WildBlue modem. There is no software to load, and most computers and operating systems in use today meet the minimum system requirements. The mini-dish is approximately 26 inches by 28 inches and can be mounted easily on a roof, outside wall or in the ground. You will need a clear view of the southern sky to receive the satellite signal. WildBlue is not available for mobile vehicles, such as RVs, at this time.
Several subscription packages with various download speeds will accommodate residential, home office or small business needs. Retail prices are expected to be $49.95 per month for service with 512k downloads; $69.95 for 1 meg; and $79.95 for 1.5 meg. All will feature 256k uploads and all will include all key ISP features, such as e-mail and Web space.
Later in the year, WFEC will offer an upgrade kit that will allow you to use one dish for both your WildBlue service and DISH Network or DirecTV service. WFEC continuously strives to provide area residents innovation – a core value of all Touchstone Energy cooperatives – through its programs, products and services.
Contact WFEC’s member services department, log on to to sign up for WFEC’s WildBlue contact list or visit the WildBlue Web site at
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