Would you like greater flexibility in paying for your electricity or a more accurate idea how much energy your household is using at any given moment? If so, West Florida Electric Cooperative’s new EZ Pay Power, an innovative way for customers to buy electricity on demand, might be ideal for you. The program works much like pre-paid long distance service, allowing you to "pay as you go" for electric service using a magnetic-stripped card.
EZ Pay Power pre-paid metering enables you to know exactly how much you’ll be spending on electricity, in advance, while providing real-time energy usage information to help you conserve energy. When you enroll in the EZ pay Power program, WFEC will install a specially-designed meter, then plug in an accompanying electronic display module inside your home. After you purchase the amount of electricity you desire, you’ll receive a plastic card, similar to a credit card, that will activate your meter to provide the purchased quantity of electricity when you swipe the card’s magnetic strip through the display module in your home.
When your household’s energy use approaches the prepaid amount, the module’s audible alarm will alert you that it’s time to purchase more electricity. Should the amount of prepaid electricity reach a critically low level during a weekend or after WFEC’s normal weekday business hours, you still can make arrangements to purchase more electricity by phoning WFEC’s 24-hour service center.
EZ Pay Power lets you forego the current deposits and non-refundable charges required for receiving electric service with a regular meter. Instead, with EZ Pay Power, you’ll pay only a $50 refundable deposit and $5 monthly lease fee for equipment, plus a $2 per transaction fee on electricity purchases. WFEC will issue one permanent card for each account, but additional cards are available for $3 each.
For more information about EZ Pay Power, call or visit any WFEC district office or e-mail
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