Creature Feature
Students meet wildlife in A Cooperative Environment
Students aren’t the only wild things livening up elementary school classrooms in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington Counties, West Florida Electric Cooperative’s service area. Local third- and fourth-graders have been learning, hands on, about native reptiles and amphibians during an environmental education program WFEC offers through its power supplier, Alabama Electric Cooperative.
The program, called A Cooperative Environment, teaches students about the physiological characteristics of various creatures that skitter, slither and hop within the Co-op’s service area. A slide presentation and face-to-face introduction to "critters" found in co-op rights-of-way or service territories acquaint the students with the animals’ niches in the environment. To ensure safety, trained co-op employees supervise the students’ interaction with non-poisonous snakes, frogs, lizards and salamanders. At the program’s conclusion, each student receives complimentary items, such as bookmarks, stickers, pens and pencils.
In addition to A Cooperative Environment, WFEC presents programs such as Safety City, a live-voltage electrical safety demonstration. WFEC’s support of area schools reflects the Co-op’s commitment to community – a core value, along with innovation, integrity and accountability, of all Touchstone Energy cooperatives.
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