Tech Talk
WildBlue is on the horizon
West Florida Electric Cooperative is a step closer to offering the next generation of affordable, satellite-delivered high-speed Internet service throughout northwest Florida. With the successful launch of the WildBlue Anik F2 satellite earlier this year, WildBlue Internet via satellite will be available virtually everywhere in the U.S., even areas without access to cable modem and digital subscriber line (DSL) services. After completion of the satellite’s standard testing phase, WFEC will begin providing local installation, service and support for this upcoming broadband offering in Spring 2005.
With service up to 30 times faster than standard 56K dial-up connections, WildBlue will allow users to retrieve information and rich content not accessible through dial-up modems. It will provide a continuous online connection without tying up subscribers’ phone lines, with faster speeds saving users time and, possible, money. Additionally, DIRECTV and DISH Network subscribers will be able to use one dish for both TV programming and Internet access.
"Through West Florida Electric, rural northwest Florida residents can have Internet access comparable to what is available in urban areas," said WFEC Internet Services Manager James. Efurd. "We’ll be sharing more information with the community in the coming months and encourage anyone interested in learning more to contact WFEC’s member services department, visit the WildBlue Web site at or log on to ro sign up WFEC's WildBlue contact list.
Several packages will accommodate various user needs. A residential service is expected to retail for $49.95 per month, and a small office/home office package is expected to retail for $79.95 per month.
The Anik F2 satellite, manufactured by Boeing Satellite Systems and owned and operated by Telesat Canada, was successfully launched from Kourou, French Guiana, into the 111.1° west longitudinal orbit. Weighing 12,000 pounds, it is the largest commercial satellite ever launched.
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