Watch where you plant the trees, please
Trees contribute to our environment and our economy, but they also have the potential to threaten one of the services on which we are most dependent – electricity. In fact, trees, along with lightning, are the leading causes of unplanned service interruptions, both prolonged and momentary, in West Florida Electric Cooperative’s service area.
Trees growing in contact or near electric facilities can cause electrical faults and impede access to facilities for routine or emergency repairs. Trees also provide an environment conducive to wildlife populations, which are another common cause of electric service interruptions. And, most importantly, trees close to energized equipment might compromise the safety of the general public, WFEC employees and contract personnel.
Vegetation management is WFEC’s single largest electrical system maintenance expense. In fact,
because WFEC serves mostly rural areas, the Co-op often must maintain right-of-way through heavily-wooded areas – a problem not shared by utilities that serve more densely-populated areas.
WFEC contracts with JEBCO for tree-trimming because the contractors can perform the work more cost-effectively than the Co-op can in-house. So far during the present contract, JEBCO has trimmed approximately 1,100 miles and will trim an additional 1,900 miles over the next two to three years. Meanwhile, a crew of three WFEC personnel with two machines mow the Co-op’s right-of-way.
"We at WFEC appreciate the members’ cooperation during the trimming and mowing on their property as we strive to maintain the most reliable service possible," said WFEC Right-of-Way Supervisor Wayne Williams. He also reminds members that, when planting trees or shrubs, consider their mature size and eventual proximity to WFEC’s electric equipment.
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