How the American Red Cross helps
When you support the American Red Cross as a volunteer or donor, your dollars and efforts make the community safer and healthier. For example, the following are some of the services your generosity has enabled the ARC Central Panhandle Chapter to provide in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Washington and Gulf Counties:
Disaster Services
The ARC is the only non-governmental agency with Congressionally-mandated responsibility to help in disaster prevention, preparation and relief. The ARC provides mass care, emergency financial assistance to individuals in the aftermath of fire or other disasters, community disaster education, free elementary and middle school classroom materials and Disaster Action Teams (DAT) that furnish immediate emergency services during events such as house fires, tornadoes and wild fires.
Armed Forces Emergency Services
The ARC provides communication services for active duty, reserve and National Guard service personnel and their families during crises.
Health and Safety Services
The ARC provides information and skills people need to be safe at home, at work, at school or at play. ARC volunteers teach first aid and CPR training, workplace safety programs, AED (automated external defibrillator) training for saving the lives of heart attack victims, lifeguard certification and learn-to-swim water safety classes, HIV/AIDS education and babysitters training courses.
Blood Services
The ARC is guardian of half the nation’s blood supply and is committed to ensuring the safety and availability of this lifesaving resource. The ARC Central Panhandle Chapter supports Gulf Coast Region Blood Services, one of the nation’s 36 regional blood services dedicated to improving and saving area residents’ lives each day by providing the safest blood possible. Each unit of blood donated can save as many as three lives.
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