Surge suppressors offer shelter from the storm
April showers bring more than just May flowers -- They also create lightning. And although you can't control the weather, you can prevent storm-related damage to your electronics and appliances. HomeGuard Defender surge suppressors, available at West Florida Electric Cooperative, guard against damaging electrical spikes - those that happen during thunderstorms, as well as those that originate within your home when skies are clear.
Electrical disturbances frequently affect computers, but they also can harm your television, VCR, stereo equipment, microwave, security system, answering machine, or any other electronic device controlled by a microprocessor. They also can ruin larger, more expensive appliances, such as your washer or refrigerator. In fact, anything plugged into an electrical outlet or connected to a phone line or coaxial cable is vulnerable to destructive electrical surges and spikes.
When lightning causes a high-voltage surge, most home circuit breakers can't react fast enough to prevent damage. In addition to electrical lines, a surge can enter through telephone lines or co-axial cables. Although no surge protector on the market provides absolute protection from a direct lightning hit, surge protection devices do guard against surges created by nearby lightning or from other origins.
Lightning is a common cause of surges, but it isn't the only source. Some fluctuations are created when power lines are damaged, and others are generated within your home. For example, when an appliance motor or a compressor, such as your air conditioner's, comes on, it can create a power fluctuation that affects other electronic equipment within your home.
WFEC's high-quality HomeGuard Defender surge protection products provide whole-house protection against damaging electric spikes. A meter base surge protector can prevent high-voltage spikes, such as those produced by lightning, from invading your home through the service entrance. Inside your home, plug-in surge protectors serve as a second line of defense against outside-generated surges and guard against home-generated surges, as well.
Besides the protection they provide, HomeGuard Defender products offer a warranty that makes them well worth the investment. The meter base surge protector includes full 15-year product replacement coverage accompanied by a lifetime repair or replacement warranty, up to $1,000, of all standard residential electro-mechanical devices, such as your stove or washer, if the unit fails. With the plug-in devices comes lifetime product replacement coverage accompanied by a lifetime repair or replacement warranty, up to $25,000, of properly connected equipment should damage occur due to failure of the plug-in unit.
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