Current Light Flashes

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Current Light Flashes is West Florida Electric
Cooperatives's residential and consumer newsletter, distributed monthly to over 20,000 WFEC customers and paid subscribers in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington Counties of northwest Florida. Statement of Publication is available upon request. Distribution is by Second Class mail and on-site at WFEC's district offices.

General Rate Policy
RATE: The display advertising rate for CLF, based on a three-column page format with 30 column inches, is $23 per column inch. (One column is 2 2/8" wide).
Position of Ads:All display advertisements are accepted for run of publication only. However, every effort will be made to comply with the advertiser's request.
Advertising Acceptance:All advertising content is subject to approval of the publisher. WFEC reserves the right to insert "Advertisment" above an advertisement. WFEC reserves the right to refuse to publish content deemed inappropriate or incompatible with the nature of the Cooperative's newsletter.

Political Advertisements
Political advertisment are accepted at the regular display rate. All political advertisements must be paid for in advance. WFEC reserves the right to designate as a "Political Advertisement" any advertisement deemed to be of a political nature.

Closing Date
The closing date for advertisements is he 5th of the month prior to publication. To maintain a timely schedule of publication, cancellations and modifications of advertisements cannot be accommodated after the 12th of the month prior to publication.

Mechanical Requirements
There is no additional charge for advertising layout services or for advertisements featuring photographs or graphics. Customer-furnished artwork should be in a form suitable for reproduction.

Printing: Offset on 50-pound smooth offset
Number of pages: 20 Page Width: Three Columns
Trim Size: 8 1/2" x 11" Printed Area: 7 1/2" x 10"
Column Width: 14.5 picas, or 2 2/8"
Space between columns: 1.5 picas, or 1/4"

Prepayment is required for first-time advertisers. Otherwise, advertisers will be billed by mail within three weeks of ad's publication. To ensure proper posting of payments sent by mail, advertisers should return an invoice copy when mailing payment. Advertisers may prepay for one full year to receive an additional month's advertising free of charge. Upon request, tear sheets will be mailed with the advertiser's bill statement.

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Page created and maintained by West Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc. © 2001.
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