Current Light Flashes

Paper pals make our day

Southwestern Stanley goes up in a bucket truck with WFEC lineman David Register.

West Florida Electric Cooperative, of Graceville, Fla., and Clint Eastwood have something in common – flat friends. While the director/actor introduced Flat Stanley, the paper cutout mascot for his daughter’s elementary school literacy project, on the red carpet at the Oscars recently, WFEC enjoyed a visit from another flat fellow. Southwestern Electric Cooperative, of Greenville, Ill., sent Southwestern Stanley, a paper cutout lineman a student named Evan dressed in a blue shirt, orange pants, red toolbelt and purple hardhat before choosing Graceville as his destination.

Students at participating elementary schools in Southwestern EC’s service area color and cut out the paper linemen, then select and mail them to cooperatives of all kinds, not just electric co-ops, worldwide, so WFEC was among a vast number of possible choices. Southwestern EC Business Development and Marketing Manager Joseph Richardson instructed WFEC Communications Specialist Carrie Bennett to show Southwestern Stanley the sights of WFEC’s service area for several weeks before mailing him back with photographs and an account of his stay.

While at WFEC, Stanley visited a peanut farm, enjoyed a tractor ride and attended a WFEC board meeting. He also spent some time on the job with WFEC’s linemen, going up in a bucket truck, then relaxing in the breakroom with "the guys" after a hard day’s work.

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