Current Light Flashes

WFEC annual meeting recalls"When the Lights Came On"

At West Florida Electric Cooperative’s 67th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Day Sat., April 3, U. S. Congressman Allen Boyd will return for his third appearance as the event’s guest speaker. Registration for the event, to be held at the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville, will be from 8:30 to 10:30 a. m.

Boyd has represented the 2nd Congressional District, spanning 16 primarily rural north Florida Counties, since 1997. In the current Congress, Boyd co-chairs the bi-partisan Congressional Rural Caucus, a coalition of more than 130 congressional members whose goal is to strengthen and revitalize rural communities nationwide. Additionally, he serves on the Military Construction Subcommittee, the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee. He also is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of Democratic legislators working to build bipartisan cooperation in Congress to solve federal budget issues. A fifth generation farmer and Vietnam veteran, Boyd, his wife, Cissy, and their youngest son, David, live on their family farm in Monticello, Fla.

Following Boyd’s comments, WFEC members will join in remembering When the Lights Came On, paying tribute to the Co-op’s founders and rich history. They’ll also hear reports from Board President John Worthington and Executive Vice President and CEO Bill Rimes. The festivities also will feature music by the Bryan Brothers, of Bascom, Fla., complimentary sandwiches prepared by Sonny’s Barbeque, demonstrations, exhibits, children’s entertainment, door prizes and prize drawings, including the grand prize drawing for a 3 kw Gillette portable generator donated by Cowart Electric.

One aspect of the meeting that will differ from those previous involves the announcement of the trustee election results. None of the incumbents faced an opponent, so the mail balloting process was not necessary this year.

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