Current Light Flashes

Stay connected to your co-op through annual meeting

Some lucky West Florida Electric Cooperative member will become the proud new owner of a Ford one-ton diesel pickup truck at the Co-op’s upcoming Member Appreciation Day/Annual Meeting. But the truck is only one of many prizes to be awarded in a drawing that will be just one of many exciting activities beginning at 8:30 a. m. Sat., April 26, at the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville.

In a celebration of Pride in the Past, Faith in the Future, WFEC will pay tribute to its pioneering members and rich history. WFEC Executive Vice President and CEO William S. "Bill" Rimes will report on the Co-op’s current areas of progress and ongoing effort, electric utility industry-related issues and other topics of interest, as well.

The Representatives Quartet will perform southern gospel music with a touch of bluegrass. The group’s original members have reunited to sing and reminisce after a 20-year hiatus. Other attractions will include tethered hot air balloon ridess, complementary sandwiches prepared by Sonny’s Barbeque, demonstrations and exhibits and children’s entertainment.

The Representatives Quarte

WFEC members will have opportunities to win a DVD player, an electric grill, a toaster oven, an ice cream maker, savings bonds and more in the drawing near the end of the event. Members who sent the registration cards from their voting packets in to McDaniel and Associates certified public accounting firm before April 16 also will be eligible to win the truck.

Each member also will receive a complimentary gift – a choice of either a handy multi-purpose tool or drink bottle – at the registration tables. At the meeting’s close, a representative of McDaniel and Associates, the certified public accounting firm that collects and tabulates WFEC’s mail ballots, will announce the results of the Co-op’s District 7 and 9 trustee elections.

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