Bulletin Area

 (June 20, 2011)
One of the changes that occurred during the webmail and email redesign in April 2011 was an increase in security. If you only use webmail to access your email you do not have to make changes, but if you use an email client, such as Outlook or Outlook Express, you need to update your e-mail client settings in order to continue to be able to send and receive e-mails. Unfortunately, if you do not update your e-mail client by July 4, you will not be able to access your e-mail on July 5, 2011.

The process is easy. Click on http://email.sitecare.info and follow the directions for updating your e-mail client on all your computers and your smart phone (if applicable). If you have any trouble, please call Tech Support at 866-543-3405. They are standing by to help, 24x7, and it should only take 10 minutes or less to make the necessary changes.

The website and Tech Support will help you make these two changes to your email client settings.
    Setting your email client to allow for SMTP authentication.
    Setting your email client to use your full email address instead of just your username.

 (January 17, 2011)
The free Lightspeed Dial-up Accelerator from West Florida Electric Cooperative (WFEC) will no longer be available after January 31, 2011.

The Internet Services Department at WFEC is currently researching alternative options to this product and will contact you again should another program become available.

If you need assistance removing the free Dial-up Accelerator, please contact Technical Support at (866) 543-3405. If you have additional questions, contact webmaster@wfeca.net.

We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause.
Please uninstall BEFORE February 1st to keep from any possible service interruptions.

 In order to reduce busy signals wfeca.net has implemented a 5 hour session limit. If you are connected for 5 hours straight you will be disconnected from the network. You are welcome to dial right back in. This has been done to make sure that everyone gets an equal chance to get online.

 West Florida Electric Internet Services Technical Support 1-866-543-3405 (toll-free).

Page created and maintained by West Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc. © 2001.